Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 95

So far everything is lined up to go tomorrow. There are a few small things left but not much. Her discharge orders and everything are written up. I already made an appointment to see our pediatrician on Monday; I am so excited for him to meet Anya!

She had another great day. They took out her central line, so we have an IV free child for the first time! I think I may cry when I get to take the leads off tomorrow!

Now I must stop typing and go pack up. We also need to clean our room before we leave tomorrow so I am going to get started on that as well. After that I am hoping I get a good night of sleep because it is the last full night of sleep I will have in a long time!!!


  1. Ok, this is Anya's story but her story contains a big sister named Arwen and that's what my comment is about. When Adam and Kelly gave us the opportunity to care for Arwen while they were in Florida I had some concerns. One was I didn't want to be responsible for returning a spoiled brat to them and from the other side I wondered what we could possibly do to comfort a child who's parents have been absent for a very long time.

    I'm happy to report that Arwen has come thru this with flying colors. For her it's been a big adventure. I guess we'll have to see what Adam and Kelly think of thier daughter but I don't think they will be disappointed.

    I'm very proud of Arwen. She has held up very well and despite not being a phone talking person or a Skype person she really has missed her parents. Other than when she's been grouchy she's pretty much a happy girl. She loves her little sister very much and her face has lit up when ever we've been able to share one of Anya's improvements with her. Anya has an amazing big sister and I very much look forward to watching the two of them growing together in the coming months.

    Grandpa Eaton

  2. I am thinking of you today!!!! Picturing you walking out with your baby girl!!! You all should be so proud!!!! Many prayers for a smooth day today and a healthy baby at home!

  3. I'm thinking of you also! I hope you are well on the way home by now! Have a safe trip home. :)
