Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 32- Cannulas out

Today was a good day but an odd one. Shortly after I got to the hospital a baby close to Anya was having trouble; I was asked to wait outside along with all the other visiting families. Surgery ended up being done so I didn’t get to go back in until later this evening. I was concerned for the family and the baby, but happy; many other times has the NICU been emptied of visitors due to Anya’s severity. This was the first time I felt completely comfortable leaving the area. I left the stuffy, uncomfortable waiting room and walked outside, read, got some coffee, and generally enjoyed being somewhere other than the Ronald McDonald house or the NICU. By the time we were allowed back Dr. Kays was taking out Anya’s cannulas, she did very well. She was sleepy due to the sedation, so I didn’t get to visit with her much today.

I don’t want other babies to be sick, but it is a blessing that Anya is no longer the sickest baby in the NICU!


  1. Oy! I remember a day like that. The baby next to us was crashing. Dakota was already off the ventilator and on C-PAP and doing fairly well. The baby did not have CDH - I actually don't know what she had, but it didn't matter ... I watched the despair on her parents' faces and prayed all day. I watched that baby's saturations more than Dakota's for the first time. Finally, they kicked us out. Unfortunately, I don't think the baby made it. it was a definite wake up call as to how lucky we were and how blessed and how fragile life is. Many prayers for that baby, that they have a better day tommorrow. And prayers for another great day for Anya - good blood gases and weaning!!!!!

    1. I know what you mean, I kept wondering when they would kick me out! It was strange being on that side of it, thanking God it wasn't us again, but praying everything would work out alright.
      At the house there are a lot of new NICU moms complaining after 2 weeks not being able to hold their babies... I don't blame them but sometimes I would like to say: 'try waiting a month!'

  2. So good to hear Kelly!!! I've been Facebook stalking you to see how Anya's been while I've been off the last couple days :) see you today!
