Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 33- Becoming a real girl

The single most difficult issue about having a newborn with severe CDH is the uncertainty. Ever since I found out about Anya’s diagnosis I have been planning for the worst but hoping for the best. It has kept me sane when everything is crazy, joking when I should be scared to death, patient when I at the end of my rope. It has also kept me a bit emotionally distant. Anya hasn’t been completely mine; I have to ask if it is a good time to visit, while she was on ECMO there was always an ECMO specialist in the room, and all of the miscellaneous medical devices make it a challenge to touch her like I would a ‘normal’ baby.

All of that changed today; I had gotten impatient waiting to be let back after Anya got a picc line (long term IV). What originally was an hour wait turned into two; maybe my aggravation showed because when I was let back Anya was still draped for the picc line, her nurse had me help get her settled. Her catheter has been taken out so she has wet diapers now!  We went to change her linens, and I picked her up for the first time. It was not the tear jerking moment I thought it would be; Anya is still hooked up to more tubes and wires than a Borg, and this made it awkward. I got to snuggle her a little bit but all her IV lines pulled, her chest tubes (usually very sore) were right up against my body, and I was worried that I would hurt her neck after it was in one position so long.

For a month, Anya’s whole life, all we really could do is stare at her and pray, hold her hand, catch her in a wakeful moment and hope she would react. Her sedatives are being weaned now so she is a lot more interactive. She is becoming more real, more ours. One step closer.

Here is a video of Adam talking silly. He is really good at it and Anya seems to appreciate it. Sorry it is wonky!


  1. So glad you got to hold your sweet baby today! For real snuggles are coming your way soon :)
    I totally know what you mean about not feeling like she was your baby up to this point. I think that's what keeps us from totally losing it.
    Bonnie sends her love to Anya :)
    Leslie (

  2. Aw, the picture of you holding her made me cry! I will never be able to imagine what it has been like for you not to be able to hold her, but I am so happy you finally got to!

  3. OH, gosh, I have to add another comment. The video is adorable!

  4. Awww isn't she adorable. Soon everything will be close to normal.
