Today was a lot better than yesterday. Anya was a lot mellower,
she had a couple of situations where she became crabby and her oxygen dropped a
little, but she recovered quickly with her oxygen turned up. I was able to talk
to one of the fellows with Dr. Kays and she did not seem too concerned about
changing her oxygen or having the TC test. I feel better after talking to her
and hopefully when Dr. Kays comes back we can get this show on the road, literally.
I can just picture the introduction: ‘It’s The Anya Mae Show! With Adam driving
and Kelly in the back on feeding duty! Will they be able to drive more than two
hours before taking a break!?! Will Anya’s oxygen need to be turned up in the
Great Smoky Mountains!?! Tune in and find out!!!’

Another positive event was Anya’s bottle session today. She
did really well; she actually sucked on the bottle this time and did not just
chew it like yesterday. She hardly gagged at all even though she pulled the
nipple into her mouth pretty far. This bottle has different settings on it to
control the amount of formula it will allow out, right now we have it about
half of a preemie nipple size. She has gotten overwhelmed with the amount of
formula she would get out when she sucked before but today she handled that
well also. (I am having a hard time using words like ‘nipple’ and ‘sucked’ without
giggling to myself a bit. Apparently I am part thirteen year old boy.)
Estimated three days remaining…
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