Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 93

Anya had another great bottle session today. We tried a new kind of nipple and she really did well, taking the most she has ever taken from a bottle. Her gag is getting less and less sensitive, and her swallow is improving. It is very exciting how far she has come in such a short period of time. She didn’t have many issues with oxygen today; I am thinking we will just get instructions to increase her oxygen for comfort, as long as it is not that often. It is hard to know. The past couple of days Anya has had more energy and has been even more social than before; this is the most ‘normal’ she has ever been. There have been no major changes with any of her treatment for a while now.

Still no absolute on when we will get out of here. Dr. Kays comes back tomorrow and I am sure we will know more then. I really don’t think there is that much keeping her here, so I am really hoping for Wednesday. Right now we do not plan on staying here long after discharge. Depending on what time of day she gets out we may spend the night, but if there is much day left we may try to get to Atlanta. It seems wise to spend time with her in one place right after discharge but there will be no way to be in a ‘normal’ situation. We would either be at RMCD or at a hotel and I really don’t feel like that is in Anya’s best interest. The only way to get to normal is to get home.

Estimated two days remaining…

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